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Evaluation handbook developed with support from Landell Mills

News 05.12.24 Monitoring, evaluation and learning

A key activity during the Evaluation Support Service (ESS) contract, managed by Landell Mills from 2017-2023, was to work with European Commission (EC) staff and lead evaluation specialists to update the guidance material on evaluating European Union (EU) external action. This process resulted in the development of a brand new evaluation handbook, recently published by the Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA), and available on the EU website.

The ESS was a centralised technical support facility, resourced through a range of expertise. It aimed to support the Evaluation and Results Unit of DG INTPA in ensuring a substantive use of robust evaluation findings in decision-making processes. This was achieved by enhancing the evaluation practice and learning capacity of EC staff in headquarters and European Union Delegations (EUDs) worldwide, thereby contributing to fostering a culture of learning and accountability in DG INTPA and EUDs.

Evaluation is a key learning tool for the EC to understand not only what works and what doesn’t, but why and under what circumstances. Evaluations generate knowledge and evidence that can be used to improve engagement with partners and enhance the impact of development cooperation.

The evaluation handbook, developed on the ESS contract, is a revision of the Methodology Guidance published in 2006 and reflects the significant progress made in the field of evaluation over the past two decades. It is a living document that will be adapted over time to reflect evolving practice and needs, and will also be made available as a web-based platform.

Landell Mills is proud to have been part of this work to provide this useful, accessible resource for the whole evaluation community.