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Internal knowledge-sharing sessions continue at Landell Mills

News 31.12.24 Agriculture, fisheries, food security and nutrition Markets, enterprise and trade Training and capacity building Company news

Two company divisions at Landell Mills recently gave presentations as part of Landell Mills’ series of ‘Lunch and Learn’ sessions, given by staff to their colleagues. The sessions are designed to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and expertise between company divisions.

The Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Security and Nutrition (AFN) division introduced:

  • a new client for Landell Mills, the Millenium Challenge Corporation, which is a bilateral United States (US) foreign aid agency
  • their new contract, titled Horticulture, Training, Gender and Social Development (HTGSD), which is funded by the Millenium Challenge Corporation and has an aim to facilitate the development and implementation of irrigated horticulture production schemes at up to four sites in Lesotho

The Markets, Enterprise and Trade (MET) division provided an overview of their:

  • matching grants portfolio, including the operating model, challenges and lessons learned
  • Europe-Africa Business Forum (EABF) contract, which aims to boost EU-Africa trade integration and sustainable investment flows, with a focus on sectors covered by the Global Gateway and flagship actions of the EU-Africa Summit

You can read more about the HTGSD and EABF contracts on our website.