Landell Mills awarded new EU-funded contracts in East Africa and Sudan
Landell Mills is pleased to share the details of two new EU-funded contracts in East Africa and in Sudan, both commencing immediately. They are:
'TrueFISH - Improving access to commercial networks for aquaculture-related businesses in East Africa' is a €1.7 million contract with the EAC Secretariat spanning four years, which will be implemented in partnership with Imani Development. The contract, which will be supervised by the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organisation, aims to stimulate a more competitive regional aquaculture industry in East Africa, with a particular focus on Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, by improving access to commercial networks for aquaculture-related businesses. Through supporting the development of stronger business links between regions with international commercial aquaculture businesses, and strengthening trade and investment support services, the project hopes to improve productivity, use of technology and technical and commercial practices, while also facilitating investment and business scale-up.
'Communication and visibility of projects financed by the EU Trust Funds, Sudan' contract, valued at €410,000, will be implemented between June 2021 and January 2024, and will support the EU Delegation in Khartoum, adding to Landell Mills' wider portfolio of contracts in Sudan. Under this contract, Landell Mills will support the organisation of events and preparation of communication materials for a number of projects in Sudan, including those aimed at 'Youth, Employment, Skills', 'Integrating refugee children into the Sudanese education system' and 'Education Quality Improvement Programme in Sudan'.