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Landell Mills’ education outreach experience: Erasmus+

News 21.10.24 Education

Landell Mills has built up significant experience organising education outreach activities for our clients globally. An area that we have extensive experience in is the organisation of Erasmus+ promotional activities through our communications and visibility contracts with EU Delegations in various countries and regions.

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Established by the EU in 1987, the programme supports education opportunities for students across the globe, and encourages partnerships between European universities and their counterparts in third countries. The 2021-2027 Erasmus+ programme places a strong focus on social inclusion, the green and digital transitions, and promoting young people’s participation in democratic life.

In Africa, under our communications and visibility contract with the EU Delegation to Nigeria, implemented in partnership with Media Insight and Ecorys, we have organised numerous Erasmus+ events. This includes annual pre-departure orientation events for Erasmus+ scholarship recipients in Abuja, in which Erasmus+ alumni present and share their experiences. In July 2024, over 1,900 young Nigerians attended the Erasmus+ pre-departure orientation and Study in Europe Fair joint event, and over 400 individuals watched a livestream of the event on YouTube. During the 2020 Erasmus+ pre-departure orientation, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, over 6,000 young African students came together on Zoom. The associated Facebook page subsequently gained an additional 44,500 followers. Coinciding with Landell Mills’ management of Erasmus+ promotional activities in Nigeria, there has been significant growth in annual Erasmus+ awardees in Nigeria, from 44 annually in 2019 to over 200 a year now.

In Asia, on our Communications and Visibility for EU Cooperation (ASEAN) contract, we held an online information session in July 2024 on the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters (EMJM) Scholarship for Prospective ASEAN Students, titled ‘Connecting People’. The session was attended by over 2,000 participants who joined via Zoom, Facebook and YouTube. The EU Ambassador to ASEAN spoke at the session alongside four speakers from the Erasmus Mundus Association (EMA), representing Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia.

As part of our communications work with the EU Delegation to Cambodia, we held an Erasmus+ information session in July 2024 at the University of Heng Samrin Thbongkhmum. 270 students attended from eight public and private universities in the nearby provinces. The event introduced Erasmus+ to various higher education institutions and shared relevant information with potential candidates in the region. There was a Q&A session with former scholarship beneficiaries, institutional representatives and experts; and attendees had the opportunity to network with the various stakeholders.

Within Europe, Landell Mills has also organised events and networks for Erasmus+ alumni. Under our EU4Georgia II contract, over 200 people attended an EU Alumni Network reception with the EU Ambassador, which was the first step in establishing and maintaining an EU alumni network in Georgia.