Landell Mills holds completion workshop for Strengthening Integrated Water Resources Management Project in Bhutan
Landell Mills recently organised a regional completion workshop for the 'Strengthening Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in Mountainous River Basins Project', which is administered by the Asian Development Bank, funded by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction and managed by Landell Mills. The workshop took place in Thimphu, Bhutan from 18-19 September, followed by an exposure field trip on the 20th and was attended by approximately 50 key project stakeholders from Afghanistan, Bhutan and Nepal.
The IWRM project is a USD two million contract which began implementation in December 2016 and is now coming to an end. The contract focuses on three specific river basins - the Panj Amu in Afghanistan, the Wangchhu in Bhutan and the Bagmati in Nepal - and is designed to contribute to the management of environment and climate change impacts. This is being achieved by supporting the institutions in the target river basins to cope with expected changes in water availability due to climate change, and the increase in water demand to support economic and population growth.
The completion workshop was hosted by the Water Resources Coordination Division of the National Environment Commission of the Royal Government of Bhutan and enabled representatives from all three countries to share the knowledge and experience they gained during the project implementation.
Participants of the IWRM Project Completion Workshop at Paro Dzang, Bhutan
The workshop included the presentation of the first ever Wangchhu Water Security Index (WWSI) Report and the launch of the WWSI online system, which is seen as a milestone in leading the system of reporting on the status of water security within the Wangchhu Basin. Workshop participants also took an exposure trip to a fish hatchery in the upper basin area of Haa, and visited the town of Paro where they had discussions with the Governor of Paro District, a member of the Wangchhu Basin Committee.
Workshop participants attending a presentation at a fish hatchery in the upper basin areas of Haa
More information about the project can be found here: