Landell Mills moves to a thematic operating structure
Landell Mills is pleased to announce a new operating structure based on four technical and three service-focused divisions. The move sees the creation of three new technical divisions, namely:
- Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Security, covers agricultural production and supporting infrastructure; value chain development; food security and nutrition; fisheries and aquaculture; and gender equality in agriculture.
- Markets, Enterprise and Trade, seeks to promote economic and business development with a strong focus on sustainable trade and investment, inclusive growth and decent work, and women’s economic empowerment, maximising impact and long-term change for people. The division’s work covers investment climate and business enabling environment reform; trade facilitation and promotion; market systems support; and gender equality and social inclusion in trade.
- Governance, Policy Dialogue and Regional Integration, manages our growing portfolio of projects providing technical services in public policy, public financial management, democratic reform, human rights and social inclusion, rule of law, justice and security; institutional strengthening, and international aid management.
These technical divisions complement the Environment, Water, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction division, which was established in 2021 .
The four technical divisions now work alongside the three service-focused divisions covering Marketing and Communications, the implementation of rapid response Framework Contracts and the delivery of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning services.
The shift from a geographic to a thematic and service focus reflects the evolving market for our services, one that is becoming increasingly sophisticated and looking for specialist rather than generalist expertise to service its needs.
Find more information about our divisions’ work here.

Landell Mills' organogram