National press coverage for Jamaica Forestry Department as part of EU-funded visibility project
The Jamaica Forestry Department has received national press coverage in the Jamaica Observer and Jamaica Gleaner, following implementation of a number of EU-funded activities as part of the ‘Visibility for Addressing Environmental and Climate Change Challenges through Improved Forest Management in Jamaica’ framework contract managed by Landell Mills.
Both news outlets featured the Forestry Department’s recent project involving 120 schools across Jamaica, which aimed to improve students’ knowledge of forest conservation and climate change, reflecting the EU’s priority area of focus, climate change mitigation and adaptation. The project was part of the EU’s Budget Support Programme and took place despite the COVID-19 pandemic, through a combination of online and hybrid events. Students engaged with field trips, question and answer sessions, and tree planting activities, with forest technicians from the Forestry Department visiting schools to conduct sessions.

The press coverage of the nation-wide schools programme forms part of a wider visibility strategy for the EU Budget Support Programme, that aims to highlight the impact of EU development assistance upon the Jamaican forestry sector, and increase awareness of the EU among the general public. In particular, the strategy aims to highlight the achievements of the Improved Forest Management for Jamaica Action, including the schools programme, which is due to be repeated for the 2021/2022 academic year following its recent success.
The visibility project runs from June 2019 to June 2022. More information can be found here.