Raising awareness of EU development cooperation in Rwanda and Zambia
Landell Mills is managing two new projects in Rwanda and Zambia that aim to highlight the impact of EU cooperation in both countries.
The Rwandan communications assignment will run for 24 months. Activities will include a European film festival, an education fair and a series of debate panels. Communications will focus on areas central to EU-Rwanda development cooperation, including energy, transport, agriculture, governance and support to civil society.
The Zambia contract, being implemented by a Director of our consortium partner, CommsConsult, will run for 18 months. Planned activities include development of short films covering areas of thematic interest and seminars on topics such as climate policy, energy or agriculture.
Both contracts are part of an EU-funded global framework contract focused on communications that will work across the globe. If you would like to find out more, or are interested in working with us on upcoming communication projects, please email COMLOT2@landell-mills.com.