05/11/20 - 31/07/22
The proposed Greater Thal Canal Irrigation Project aims at increasing the agricultural production in Punjab province by developing a new seasonal irrigation system. The Greater Thal Canal irrigation scheme will convert about 704,000 hectares of unproductive lands to irrigated lands. The objective of this assignment is to support processing of the proposed Greater Thal Canal Irrigation Canal Project.
26/10/20 - 26/07/21
Through the IPARD II Programme period 2014 to 2020, the EU has allocated for the Republic of Serbia EUR 175 million. IPARD II Programme has been approved by the EU and adopted by the Republic of Serbia; it is being realised through the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and the Directorate for Agrarian Payments (IPARD agency). This is the first assistance of this kind intended directly for beneficiaries such as agriculture producers. IPARD programmes are based around measures set at European level and for Serbia, there are currently two operational measures. Namely, Measure 1: "Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings" which helps farms invest in buildings or technologies; and Measure 3: "Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agricultural and fishery products" that targets projects in food processing companies to meet EU safety and environmental standards. The Financial Agreement between the Republic of Serbia and the European Commission entered into force on 12 June 2018 and the process for entrusting tasks related to the budget implementation was regulated for IPARD Measures 1 (Investments in physical assets of agricultural holdings) and 3 (Investments in physical assets concerning processing and marketing of agriculture and fishery products). The IPARD programme is currently being implemented for these Measures. The accreditation package for IPARD II Measure 7 (Farm diversification and business development) and IPARD II Measure 9 (Technical assistance) has been prepared and sent to the European Commission in July 2019. The process for entrusting tasks related to the budget implementation for those measures is ongoing (the Financial Agreement is not yet signed). The RD IT solution for accredited IPARD II measures has been developed through technical assistance and tested by the beneficiaries. A further upgrade related to the Registry office is necessary to complete the whole business process linked with the implementation.
The global objective of this assignment is to support the preparation of the Serbian Sector of Agriculture and Rural Development to implement the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to prepare the Republic of Serbia for EU accession.
The specific objectives of the contract are to strengthen the capacity of MAFWM regarding IPARD II assistance in the Republic of Serbia. Namely, it will focus on assisting the competent authorities and other stakeholders, which are directly involved in the process, when it comes to the implementation of the IPARD II Program in the future period. The principal beneficiaries of the contract are Department for Rural Development (IPARD Managing Authority) and Directorate for Agrarian Payments (IPARD Agency).
20/08/20 - 19/12/25
The overall objective of this contract is to enhance EU relations, partnership and cooperation with Cambodia through more effective communication and visibility of the EU's principles and values, external policies and actions.
The specific objectives of the project are as follows:
The project will achieve these objectives by delivering the following results:
The target audience of the project is:
15/08/20 - 14/02/23
In PNG, coffee production, primarily done by smallholders, is the backbone of the rural economy and accounts for 30% of the total labour force.
The vast majority of coffee produced in PNG is grown by smallholders on farms averaging one hectare whose livelihoods depend on a successful coffee crop.
In PNG, the quality and productivity of coffee has been declining and smallholder farmers’ yields are 50-60% below their potential.
Improving productivity and price realization can have a significant impact on household incomes. However, many smallholder producers are constrained by gaps in knowledge and understanding of good agricultural practices, limited financial inclusion, difficulties in accessing high quality inputs and technical advice, poor transport links and market infrastructure, and continued dependence on middlemen.
Olam, a leading food and agri-business company, agreed a USD 163 Million loan with ADB to support Olam’s $211 million investment plan across Asia including PNG by financing an expansion in the firm’s processing of midstream products, while providing permanent working capital investments for smallholder farmers.
The loan will help the farmers integrate into more formalised coffee value chains and the global economy, expanding their production and operations, improving livelihoods by promoting inclusive and sustainable development, while for Olam, improved quality and quantity of production will increase its profitability, which in turn should lead to better farm gate prices.
14/05/20 - 14/11/22
Private sector growth, industrial development and job creation are key development priorities for the SADC region. Since 2014 each SADC summit has dealt with the question of how the region can attain industrial development that can generate entrepreneurial activity, job creation and tax revenue. The Revised Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2015-2020 recommends frontloading industrialisation in order to facilitate and accelerate regional integration with the hope of achieving socio-economic and equitable growth.
Other pressing concerns are linked to climate change, drought and food production. Southern Africa has a huge potential for increasing agricultural production, especially in areas with good rainfall such as Zambia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Tanzania and Angola. However, the region remains a net food importer and increased climate variability make a large amount of the SADC population vulnerable. Strategies for addressing food security, including assisting affected populations with food supplies as well as providing emergency livestock supplementary feeds are thus of critical importance.
The SADC Dialogue Facility will support the process of regional integration within SADC through structured dialogue with key stakeholders on thematic areas of importance to the SADC regional integration agenda. It will work within and strengthen existing mechanisms such as the SADC-ICP Dialogue groups and existing CSO platforms. The project builds on previous successful dialogues with the EU and other cooperating partners.
Landell Mills has been contracted to set-up and manage the SADC Dialogue Facility (SDF) and will work closely with the SADC Secretariat to achieve the following results:
01/05/20 - 30/11/20
The main objectives of this evaluation are to provide the relevant services of the European Union and the interested stakeholders with:
In particular, this evaluation of BIOPAMA I and II will serve to understand the performance of the Action, its enabling factors, those hampering a proper delivery of results and the key elements for ensuring its sustainability in order to adjust its design, priorities or strategic approach. It will serve as well to inform the planning of the future EU interventions and Actions related to biodiversity conservation. BIOPAMA I and II have to be evaluated together because they logically constitute one action. They involve the same implementing partners, the same beneficiaries, and project partners (ROs) and aim at achieving the same objectives through the same means.
The main users of this evaluation will be DG DEVCO, ACP Secretariat, EU Delegations in ACP countries, IUCN, JRC, ROs and other stakeholders as appropriate.
16/04/20 - 15/04/23
Landell Mills is the main contractor for the £5.8m FCDO-funded Phase II Syria Independent Monitoring contract in which it works in partnership with three other partners (Transtec, RMTeam and Venture) to monitor the FCDO’s entire humanitarian programme in Syria (and a more limited number of the FCDO’s Conflict, Security and Stability Fund interventions) through ‘real time’ data collection to help track progress of individual projects, identify and mitigate risks, and learn lessons for future design. This is even more important in this conflict-affected, high risk environment in which direct access by FCDO is difficult, if not impossible.
To implement this contract, Landell Mills and our partners provide a full-time Team Leader and Deputy Team Leader who work closely with quality assurance experts (international Principal Experts) to oversee the quality of individual deliverables (e.g. Field Monitoring Reports) which are prepared by a group of remote-based thematic Monitoring Leads who prepare the reports on the basis of data that is collected by field-level monitors in Syria. These technically-focused experts are supported by programme management staff from within Landell Mills and Transtec. In-country field monitoring is coordinated and supervised by the two downstream partners, Venture and RM Team, who are respectively responsible for logistics (including security arrangements) and fielding of monitors in government-controlled areas (GCA) and non-government controlled areas (non-GCA) of the country. Additional short-term experts are also deployed, as needed, to deliver the ad hoc studies and other partner assessments.
25/03/20 - 20/09/22
Coffee is an important sector in Indonesia but primarily characterized by unorganized, small-scale farming. The vast majority of coffee produced in Indonesia, the second largest coffee producing country in the world, is grown by smallholders on farms averaging around one hectare whose livelihoods depend on a successful coffee crop.
Smallholder coffee farmers across Indonesia face common challenges that include ageing trees, lack of access to finance and quality inputs, low yields, lack of storage and market infrastructure, limited local value addition, and dependence on middlemen.
In Indonesia, low yields (three times lower than that of Viet Nam) are due to the poor penetration rate of extension services and access to/adoption of technology being very low among smallholder coffee farmers.
Olam, a leading food and agri-business company, agreed a USD 163 Million loan with ADB to support Olam’s $211 million investment plan across Asia including Indonesia by financing an expansion in the firm’s processing of midstream products, while providing permanent working capital investments for smallholder farmers.
23/03/20 - 23/01/23
The project is designed to enhance the profile of the EU in Ethiopia by improving awareness about its bilateral co-operation with Ethiopia, through increased information, communication and visibility activities.
LM has been contracted to provide professional and technical support to the EU Delegation to Ethiopia’s implementation of information, communication and visibility activities to increase awareness and understanding of the EU’s bilateral co-operation with Ethiopia.
The project’s goal is that public, regional and national understanding and appreciation of the EU-Ethiopia relationship will be deepened, and that the EU will gain increased media exposure and attention commensurate with its role in Ethiopia.
09/03/20 - 09/01/21
The project aimed to increase the visibility of the EU and grow regional and individual awareness of the achievements of the ‘Towards free movement of persons and transhumance in the IGAD region’ project.