Landell Mills has been appointed as partner to ICCS (as lead firm) as well as Komis, Ecorys and AETS by the Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) under a Main Contract in respect of Results Oriented Monitoring (ROM) system for external aid interventions financed by the European Union EuropeAid/139798/DH/SER/Multi. The ROM system is the external monitoring system of the European Commission. It aims at enhancing the European Commission's (EC) accountability and management capacities with a strong focus on results and supports EU Delegation and Headquarter services by providing an external opinion on project implementation.
Overall project objective: To improve the performance of EU-funded interventions by strengthening design, monitoring and evaluation systems at intervention and institutional level.
Project purpose: (i) To provide an external, objective and impartial assessment on the performance of selected ongoing INTPA, NEAR, and FPI interventions (ii) To provide technical support to EC services in the formulation of intervention logics and related logical framework matrices (Logframes) as well as in the design of monitoring and reporting systems, and (iii) reporting systems at intervention level.
To support results reporting at institutional and intervention level.
Project Activities: 1. Total Quality Management, 2. Implement the ROM review cycle, 3. Support Design of Logframes and Monitoring Systems (SDL), and 4. Provide support to Results Data Collection
All projects which were subject to the ROM services are financed by the EC (DG INTPA, DG NEAR, FPI) and some of them are co-financed by other donors (e.g. UN Family and EU member states development cooperation agencies). The majority of the interventions (more than 80%) which are monitored are grants. The ROM reviews follows a very specific methodology (i.e. INTPA ROM Handbook) in which the reporting is preceded by a detailed analysis of the OECD-based monitoring and evaluation criteria. In particular the analysis focuses on 8 ROM criteria: Relevance, Coordination, complementarity and EU added value, Intervention logic, Monitoring & Learning, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Sustainability, Cross-cutting issues, and Communication and visibility. The ROM interventions take place in more than 120 countries across the world.
The ROM review data are stored in internal databases which are updated after each ROM review, but also databases and information systems of the EC, such as the ROM module and OPSYS to which ROM Global has actively participated in their upgrade and maintenance. Concerning OSPYS, ROM Global provided hands-on assistance to the Operations Managers on how to encode the Primary Interventions, the logframes, and the values of the related indicators in order to ensure that the data are fully updated and serve the purposes of the contracting authority. For this purpose, 5 Quality Managers of ROM Global worked directly with the OM on OPSYS. ROM Global has actively participated in communication activities aiming to raise awareness to stakeholders about monitoring and evaluation (e.g. the Monitoring and evaluation Framework for the DEAR grants of the CSO/LA Programme), but also training and communication activities involving the contracting authority and Member States agencies.
Reviews cover all of the following sectors:
a. Education and Culture, Health, Social Protection
b. Rural development, Nutrition and Food security
c. Migration
d. Water and Sanitation, Environment and Natural Resources
e. Democracy and rule of law, Gender equality, Human rights
f. Civil society, Local authorities
g. Sustainable cities, Transport infrastructure and Digitalisation
h. Energy and Climate change
i. Investment climate, Private sector development, International trade
j. Nuclear safety and security, Conflict prevention
k. Financial intermediaries and financial products
l. Statistics and data measurement