The Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA or AMCC in French) is an initiative launched in 2007 by the European Commission, with the global objective to strengthen the dialogue and cooperation on climate change issues between the European Union and the developing countries that are most exposed to climate change, especially the Least Developed Countries (LDC's) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Those countries are the most vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change.
The Mauritanian Climate Change Alliance project Phase 2 (AMCC2) is funded by the Global Climate Change Alliance for up to 7,5 million euros for a second phase.
Considering the lessons learned through the first phase (with a 4 million euros funding), AMCC 2 will focus on the intensification of climate resilience, with efforts made towards obtaining concrete results in the field. The activities will focus on supporting the restauration or preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity, better management of water resources, fight against desertification, co-management and rationalisation of land use and access to land. AMCC2 action will be based on the experiences of the first phase. The action is also complementary with the interventions of the first sector of action of the 11th EDF, about food security and sustainable agriculture.
The project is articulated around institutional support and support to local initiatives for the adaptation of the agro-sylvo-pastoral systems towards the restauration of degraded natural environment and preservation of natural resources. This will be done through the "Nationally Determined Contribution" of Mauritania and in line with the new European consensus on sustainable development.
AMCC2 will also continue to support environmental and climate governance, through targeted technical assistance, both at national and local levels. In addition, the communication workstream of thr project will look at raising awareness of the need to preserve natural resources and adapting to climate change, including through actions of environmental education for young people and integration of traditional know-how.
Special attention will be given to the role of women, as environmental degradation impacts women first. They represent a majority in rural areas because men frequently go to work elsewhere. Women, responsible for the use and daily management of natural resources, are therefore most affected by their depletion. Analyses on poverty show that poverty affects more often women than men. The ability of women to get out of poverty is more limited, since they are particularly affected by illiteracy, poor productivity, basic social services shortage (education, health, energy, potable water…) as well as by poor access to land, credit and commercial circuits.
Mauritania is greatly vulnerable to climate change and this is a critical issue for the country's future. The social context however is not very receptive to the necessity of a specific action on climate change, that is nevertheless exacerbating the degradation of natural resources. Degradation is mainly due to anthropic pressure. The combination of both phenomena emphasizes the territory desertification, more specifically in the wilayas in the south and center of the country, were the population and rural activities are concentrated, creating a major source of poverty.
This programme falls wihtin the framework of Agenda 2030. It contributes mainly with reaching progressively Objective 13 of the SDGs "Measures related to the fight against climate changes" but also helps progressing towards reaching Objectives 1 (Poverty) ; 2 (Hunger) and 15 (Biodiversity):
Overall objective of AMCC 2:
Improve in a sustainable way the resilience of natural systems and ecosystems services from which the most vulnerable can benefit from.
Specific objectives of AMCC 2:
SO1: Improve the institutional framework/strengthen the institutions in charge of following and coordinating the issues related to climate change
SO2: Adopt good practices of adaptation and sustainable management of the agro-sylvo-pastoral systems in the saharo-sahelian band
The principal effects of the program will be related to a better knowledge of climate change issues in Mauritania, taking them into account in development strategies and in sectorial reforms, the strengthening of institutional, technical and organisational capacities of the environmental, agricultural, livestock, hydraulic, green economy and sustainable energy sectors.
Regarding SO1 of AMCC 2 (institutional framework and political dialogue):
Result Area (RA) 1.1: Policy makers are more equipped to take suitable and sustainable decisions in terms of fight against climate change
RA1.2: Participation of the local actors, more specifically of the most vulnerable populations, to the definition of appropriate response to climate change at a local scale
Regarding SO2 of AMCC 2 (field actions)
RA2.1: Climatic resilience of agro-sylvo-pastoral systems