16/06/11 - 07/09/11
Landell Mills mobilised an exploratory mission (ExM) to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) between 20 June 2011 and 07 July 2011 to evaluate whether it would be useful, appropriate and feasible to deploy an EU Electoral Observation Mission (EUEOM) during the legislative and presidential elections planned for the 28 November 2011.
The team were to:
01/06/11 - 30/11/11
The Landell Mills technical assistance team supports the overall objective of the project, which is to contribute to poverty reduction through sustainable socio-economic growth in rural areas & enhanced sustainability of rural livelihoods.
The project purpose is to enhance food security through increased agricultural production & productivity & improve food access at household level. It comprises three components:
1) Capital investments for sustainable agriculture (including irrigation development, soil & water conservation, post-harvest storing, processing & marketing);
2) Access to food (including safety net programmes, integrated crop & livestock development support, support for agricultural marketing & related income generating activities);
3) Sector Governance (including support for the regulatory framework, capacity building of institutions as well as producer groups, support for research & extension, support to private sector involvement in the production chain, support to (market) information systems
The purpose of our support is to strengthen the capacity of the relevant authorities, in particular the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) & Zoba (local government) administration, so as to ensure their effective & efficient management of the Project, in line with EC rules & regulations.
Please note that the Government of Eritrea unilaterally terminated the cooperation agreement with the EU under the 10th EDF; as a consequence of this, the Landell Mills' contract and all other contracts concluded under EDF10 ended on 31 December 2011.
01/06/11 - 31/03/12
The purpose of this project is to assist the selected participating Pacific countries: Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and Tonga to implement the interim Economic Partnership Agreement (iEPA) and the Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) by identifying and prioritising trade related needs, and assisting with the development of high-level project designs that can be used to secure implementation assistance for specific activities.
The region has an intra-regional goods agreement known as the Pacific Island Countries Trade Agreement (PICTA), and is still negotiating a comprehensive EPA with the EU.
The outcomes of this project will help each implementing country to fully implement the interim agreement by creating the following results:
These results will enable the Secretariat to then assist countries to secure Aid for Trade funding, from the European Union or other development partners as applicable, and to then engage with regional institutions to provide targeted programs of technical support.
31/05/11 - 08/11/15
The overall goal of the Project is to facilitate sustainable and equitable agricultural growth through improved livelihood opportunities, public health and environmental protection by enhancing the quality and safety standards of agricultural outputs to meet domestic and international requirements. Within this goal, the following specific outcomes are envisaged:
The investment is designed to contribute to Vietnam’s sustainable, pro-poor agricultural growth by increasing the quality, safety and competitiveness of agro-products through success in achieving the following objectives:
In pursuit of these objectives, Landell Mills Ltd is providing TA for the following activities:
02/05/11 - 31/05/11
The EC has during the last 10 years provided € 6.5 million to the UXO sector in Laos, in co financing activities with international NGOs and local authorities, with projects running until end 2012.
the current Leo-EC Country Strategy Paper 2007-2013 mentions UXO threats as one of the major constraints of the country. Addressing this, the Multi-Indicative Program 2011-2013 commits to Euro-3-4 million to the UXO sector as part of the non focal area which supports sustainable development in the uplands and rural poverty reduction.
The identification mission for the above-mentioned support was carried out by the EU Delegation to Laos during the 1st CCM meeting in November 2010. In terms of implementation, the EC should first follow a two-pronged approach, combining the continuation of direct support to NGOs with a contribution to the newly established UXO Trust Fund.
The overall objective of the intervention was to support the MDG agenda of the government of Lao PDR with special prominence to the newly defined local MDG 9 to reduce the long term negative impact of unexploded ordnance (UXO) on the development of affected rural communities.
The purpose of the intervention was to significantly reduce the impact of UXO on rural livelihoods and rural development through support to activities related to UXO clearance, risk information and awareness raising, and victim's assistance.
The objective of the assignment was to provide a comprehensive and concrete recommendation for EU cooperation with Lao PDR in the UXO sector.
25/04/11 - 25/04/12
The global objective is to support the Government's efforts to turn Nepal's agriculture from subsistence into a competitive commercial sector that generates employment, reduces poverty, and strengthens food security.
The specific objective is to contribute to the development of Nepal's Agricultural Development Strategy by providing specific EU expertise in relation with Water Resources and Irrigated Agriculture.
24/04/11 - 08/06/11
Action against mines in Colombia is developed in the framework of the strategic plan developed by the Presidential Programme for the Integral Action Against Antipersonal Mines (PAICMA). The PAICMA is the entity responsible for the Colombian policy in the area of action against antipersonal mines and unexploded ordnances and because of this, it was the beneficiary/implementing body of a EU-funded project, “Institutional Strengthening of the Colombian National Capacity of Action against Mines” together with a TA team, aiming at strengthening the governmental policies in demining (end June 2010).
08/04/11 - 09/02/12
Landell Mills was contracted to conduct an organisational review of the CARICOM Secretariat. The project purpose was to assess the effectiveness of the Secretariat’s current organisational structure and identify the constraints to deepen regional integration within the Community.
The team of three consultants (Institutional & Governance Specialist, Legal Expert & Financial Management Specialist) were to develop a set of recommendations for a comprehensive restructuring of the Secretariat that would enhance its capacity to carry out its administrative, technical and other functions. The recommendations would aim to improve monitoring of Community decisions and to improve collaboration with other Community organisations. The project deliverables were as follows:
The final report entitled "Turning around CARICOM: proposals to restructure the Secretariat" was submitted in January 2012. The report sought not only to improve the procedures and mechanisms of the Secretariat; it also looked at the identity and aspirations of CARICOM as a regional entity and sought to define its role as a regional player. Clearly defined priorities over the short to medium term, whilst maintaining the operations of the Secretariat were found to be the key requirements for CARICOM to successfully deliver its mandate of bringing member states together under a prosperous regional policy.
The final recommendations were presented to the Caribbean Heads of Government on 08 March 2012. CARICOM has since gained funding from the UK government to implement the changes. The report is published on the CARICOM website at: http://www.caricom.org/jsp/communications/caricom_online_pubs/Restructuring%20the%20Secretariat%20-%20Landell%20Mills%20Final%20Report.pdf.
01/04/11 - 04/04/14
Service contract for a Results Oriented Monitoring system of the implementation of projects and programmes of external aid financed by the European Union, lot 5 (Centrally Managed Thematic Projects)
The work is to provide high quality information on projects and programmes through monitoring of the performance and results of operations financed by EU funds within its external cooperation with third countries on the basis of the ROM methodology.
Contractors are expected to produce high quality reports within the given timelines and in full respect of the methodological guidelines specified in the ROM Handbook.
Monitoring missions should take place at least once a year in every country benefiting from EU External Assistance. The goal is to monitor each project and programme at least once in its lifetime and ideally once a year. The yearly monitoring planning will be established on the basis of criteria for project selection and of the budget appropriations.
The ROM contactor should focus on projects with a budget of more than approximately €1m EU contribution. In addition a representative sample of projects with an EU contribution of less than €1m will be monitored.
Regional Programmes according to type, number of components and geographical dispersion may require sampling according to the ROM methodology for RP.
The selection of projects and programmes for ROM takes into account the planning of project/programme evaluations managed by the project management service, if information is available. As a general rule, projects should not be monitored if they have or will be evaluated within 6 months before or after the planned ROM mission.
For lot 5 the following targets per year have been established:
4 of the closed projects to be monitored ex-post and an estimation of 10 reports to be produced
14/03/11 - 01/07/11
Landell Mills provided services related to the draft of a Formulation Study – Financial and Fiscal Inclusion sector Support Programme.
In the formulation process, progress has already been made in the conceptual parts while operational definition is to be addressed at this stage.
The mission, in order to provide the decision-makers in the Government of Bolivia and the European Commission with sufficient information, performed the following activities: