27/07/10 - 16/08/10
The purpose of the Election Observation Exploratory Mission (ExM) was to collect factual information to assess whether an EU Election Observation Mission (EU EOM) for the upcoming Presidential and Legislative Elections in Central African Republic would be useful, advisable and feasible, in line with the criteria outlined in the Commission Communication on Electoral Assistance and Observation COM (2000)1911. Moreover the objective of the ExM was to produce specific documents containing clear information and recommendations for the deployment of a possible EU EOM.
25/07/10 - 01/10/10
Identify the possible alternatives for a Programme of integral, cross-border development.
04/07/10 - 01/01/12
Provision of Technical Assistance in Support of EC Programmes for the Rural Development and Natural Resources Sector in Southern Sudan
Provision of Technical Support and Advisory Services to Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS Institutions and development partners in and in consultation with EC Programme Managers in Juba and Khartoum, provide supervisory and coordination support to all EC funded projects in the Rural Development and Natural Resource Management Sector in Southern Sudan including:
01/07/10 - 30/10/10
The overall objective of the programme 'Support to the rice industry' was to contribute to the enhancement of Malian rice comparative advantage and to make the rice industry more competitive in order to ensure better distribution and access to markets for the local production. By contributing to increase the volume of production and consequently its distribution and trade, the programme contributed to improve food security and Mali economic integration within ECOWAS. The programme specific objectives were to intensify irrigated rice production in the Office du Niger area; to promote the irrigated rice production at the village level through the establishment of an irrigation system along the rivers Bani and Niger in the 5th region; to improve the circulation of information among the actors across the value chain.
21/06/10 - 31/07/10
In 2004, UNDP developed a Programme to support Government of Eritrea in assisting with the return, resettlement and reintegration of IDPs and expellees from the war. The objectives so-called UN Joint Programme (JP) on IDPs return/resettlement were to ensure a smooth and successful reintegration of IDPs families within the villages of their return; support vulnerable families in ensuring access to adequate social services (water, education, shelter, food/nutrition and health) and access to livelihood opportunities. In 2008, a two-year project in support of the JP was signed between EC and UNDP which included two Contribution Agreements, one for a food security component, and one for the construction of Health Facility.
The global objective of this assignment was to provide decision makers in UNDP and the EU with sufficient information to make an informed judgement about the past performance of the project, to document lessons learnt, and to provide practical recommendations for follow up actions. The evaluation took into consideration the food security component as well as the construction of Health Facility.
17/06/10 - 30/11/10
Assistance to the Pacific ACP States (PACPS) to prepare or revise their trade in goods market access offers for the purpose of EPA negotiations - Component 1: HS Conversions and gathering 2006-2008 Trade Data.The PACPS have been participating in the EPA negotiations since 2002. Realising that more resources were required to assist PACPS to prepare or revise their offers, PACPS requested assistance from TradeCom to convert their tariff codes to the 2007 HS and to amend their Customs legislation to implement the Harmonised System (HS) 2007. This action is divided into 3 components:1) Conversion of current tariff codes to 2007 HS, gathering the 2006-2008 trade data and transposing it into the 2007 HS;2) Using the 2007 HS and the 2006-2008 trade data to update the EPA Data Tool and conducting in-country training on how to use the Data Tool to formulate market access offers;3)Conduct a regional market access workshop to assist PACPS to finalise their offers and consider relevant issues relating to EPA trade in goods prior to further negotiations with the EC.
15/06/10 - 15/12/10
TA to Support MNDA to develop road map and institutional framework
The specific objective of the this assignment was to assist the Ministry of Niger Delta Affairs (MNDA) to develop a road map and action plan to supervise the Proposed Niger Delta Collaborative Development Framework for Development in the Niger Delta, as well as to support the Ministry to identify institutional and technical capacity gaps and to develop a programme of assistance to address the identified gaps.
01/06/10 - 01/10/10
Final Evaluation of the Land Reform Component of the RPRP (Rural Poverty Reduction Programme)
The Final Evaluation of the Land Reform Component conducted an assessment of the use that has been made of RPRP support through a series of activities with the Namibian Ministry of Land Reform over a five year period from 2005 to 2010.
The overall objective of the final evaluation was to assess the impact of the land reform measures on the living conditions of the end users of MLR policies and programmes and on Namibian citizens in general. The evaluation assessed whether the burden of funding the resources provided was successfully passed on to the MLR and whether the correct strategies and approaches were chosen.
The activities evaluated comprised: aid to the resettlement programme, the conversion of Deeds Registry records into computer-compatible formats, communal land registration, the acquisition of digital aerial photography, mass valuation of commercial farms, upgrading of the ICT infrastructure in the Ministry, and the provision of bursaries for qualifying training of selected Ministry staff members.
The structure of the evaluation was based on five DAC criteria developed by the OECD, namely:
01/06/10 - 01/11/10
The Final Evaluation of the Rural Access Roads and Rural Water Supply Component
The project produced an assessment of the use having been made of the EC funded Rural Poverty Reduction Programme, with regard to the two infrastructure components rural roads and rural water supply. More specifically, the evaluation assessed the Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP). This is the EC’s aid instrument for providing support to a Sector Programme (SP), which is designed, managed and implemented by the Namibian government.
The overall objective of the evaluation was to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact of SPSP as an Instrument and the Budget Support as the Modality on the living standards of the rural poor in Namibia.
The evaluation takes into account the planning and implementation of the SPSP as a means of providing support to the rural roads and rural water supply sectors and identifies lessons learned and best practices. The structure of the evaluation is based on the five DAC criteria developed by the OECD.
The main outputs are:
Evaluation Mine Action in Tigray, Afar and Somali Regions
The specific objective of the Mine Action in the Tigray, Afar and Somali Regions of Ethiopia in Support of Peacebuilding Initiatives (ACP RPR 44 – FA No. 9464/REG) was to continue the Ethiopian Mine Action Office’s mine action activities beyond 2006 and to significantly increase Ethiopian mine action productivity.
The overall objective of the Action was to allow families, including internally displaced persons (IDPs), in Tigray, Afar and Somali regions to enjoy the benefits of sustained peace and stability, to live free of the threat of landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO), and to make full and productive use of land for agricultural development leading to increased food security.
Landell Mills provided two consultants to conduct a final evaluation of the Mine Action project in order to provide the Government of Ethiopia and other stakeholders with sufficient information to:
The methodology used when conducting the evaluation comprised: