01/01/06 - 08/07/07
Tirana-Durres region provided the largest contribution to the Albanian GDP, and its sustainable development is thus, extremely important on the national level.
The results achieved by the Project were the following:
The Project’s main Beneficiary was the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications. The other major government stakeholders were the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Economy Trade and Energy, the Prefectures of Tirana and Durres, the Institute of Urban Studies. The local government will be presented by the municipalities and communes of the region.
01/01/06 - 01/07/07
Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Economy for Improvement of the Investment Climate in FYR Macedonia
The Project’s overall objective was to increase foreign direct investment (FDI) flows into FYR Macedonia and thus generate employment, raise productivity, import skills and technology, enhance exports and contribute to the long-term economic development of the country.
Specific objectives were to:
01/12/05 - 01/05/07
Support to EC National Co-ordinating Units, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan
The immediate objective of the project was to
Project counterparts (NCUs) were those public administrations responsible for EU and other external aid planning and management. The support sought to address the following:
The principal focus of the project was centred around two main axes:
Components include:
Component 1: EU Assistance in Aid management
Component 2: Human Resource Development and Management
01/11/05 - 01/03/08
Support to EC National Co-ordinating Unit, Ukraine
The immediate objective of the project was to make sure that the national inputs for the development of IPs and APs meet well identified and jointly agreed priorities for the cooperation between the EU and Ukraine, set within a broader framework of external assistance and reflecting wider stakeholder consultation and influence. Project counterparts (NCUs) are those public administrations responsible for EU and other external aid planning and management. The support sought to address the following:
The principal focus of the project was centred around three main axes:
Components included:
Component 1: Institutional Strengthening
Component 2: Aid management
Component 3: Human Resource Development and Management
01/11/05 - 01/08/07
Strategic Plan for the Long Term Development of Existing Free Zones in Croatia
TDI Group managed a 21 month EC funded project to assist the Croatian Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship (MELE) improve the investment and business climate in Croatia. The specific objectives of this project were:
The project had four primary components:
The project provided three international key experts, two local long-term experts and a number of short-term international and local expertise, as well as local support staff
01/11/05 - 01/01/07
Support to EC National Co-ordinating Unit, Armenia
The immediate objective of the project was to support the development of a comprehensive and well structured dialogue between the Armenian Government and the EU/EC in the context of the current development cooperation and political framework, and strengthen capacity within the EUTACU and relevant Government units in line with the new requirements arising from the introduction of the ENP. Project counterparts (NCUs) were those public administrations responsible for EU and other external aid planning and management.
The support sought to address the following:
The principal focus of the project wass centred around four main axes:
Component 1: Assistance in EC Aid management
Component 2: Cooperation with EC and Other donors
Component 3: Tools and Mechanisms for Aid Management and COordination
Component 4: Human Resource Development and Management
01/10/05 - 01/10/10
The Provision of Technical Assistance Services to the Department of National Planning & Aid Coordination for the Micro Projects Programme Phase II.
The overall objectives of the programme are to:
The specific objective (project purpose) of the programme is to provide rural communities with greater access to improved social services and to sources of cash income.
In order to achieve the specific objective the following results are planned:
As part of this programme we have issued Calls for Proposals (CfP) for grants (micro projects). This involves a large administrative burden (guidelines, forms, procurement, monitoring and evaluation procedures etc. all to be compliant with EDF procedures). In order to manage this we have built a database of grants/projects at the outset and populated it with all available data (number of applications, reasons for approval/rejection, community information, budget, implementing schedule, goods/service providers etc.). A user-friendly database is also vital for the Department of Provincial and Local Level Government Affairs in Papua New Guinea. We recommend that a database is developed at the very start of the programme and kept up to date – it can be set-up to provide all information necessary for reporting and monitoring/evaluation purposes.
Other aspects for successful implementation (through our lessons learnt in Solomon Islands) include: agreeing all procedures, ground-rules, reporting requirements, Terms of Reference (ToRs) and powers of signatory with representatives from the relevant Department(s), NAO and EC- prior to implementation; Bringing in all potential NSAs/NGOs and other parties, explaining the grant facility rules to them and seeking their assistance in re-defining parameters (in some cases redrafting the procedures); and ensuring firm guidance to first assist the trainees to explore training options and then to articulate their needs. The training budget should be (and seen to be) handled in a very transparent and egalitarian manner.
01/10/05 - 31/03/08
Audit and Evaluation of the Foreign Facility for Budget Support of the Food Security Programme
Landell Mills was contracted to carry out an audit and evaluation of the foreign exchange facility, which was a major component of the Food Security Programme. This instrument sought to improve food security by facilitating the implementation of policies and structural reforms. It is designed in the form of a sectoral budget support to key government institutions to develop priority activities towards a process of sectoral reforms, consistent with the Poverty Reduction Action Plan (PARPA).
Specific objectives included:
01/10/05 - 01/10/07
The aim of this Project is to promote improvements in the income and living standards of the poor in ways which are sustainable and environmentally sound. This will involve gaining a deeper understanding of the relationships between poverty, environment, economic development and policy. The policy studies will include investigations into policy design and implementation along with the capacity of institutions responsible for policy implementation.
The Project will be delivered according to the following activities:
01/09/05 - 31/03/09
Technical Assistance to the National Authorising Office and Project Management Services
Landell Mills, with LINPICO of France, was contracted to provide Support to the NAO by strengthening capacity in the areas of aid programming, monitoring & evaluation and contract/procurement & finance. The objective of the study was to improve EDF-funded interventions and therefore, contribute to development and poverty eradication in Sierra Leone.
The project was expected to strengthen command of the NAO staff in the use of Project Cycle Management tools and EDF financial and contractual procedures. Tasks related to this result include design of a comprehensive training programme for 3 years, on the job training for PCM and applicable EDF financial/ contractual procedures and external training activities.
Assistance was also provided in management procedures and systems, including in the preparation of programming documents, identification and preparation of project proposals for the focal sectors, technical advice on EDF Contractual/ Procurement / Financial management and the set up of a computerised system for the preparation of payment orders.
Another component of the project was strengthening capacity in coordination, planning, use of external aid and PRSP monitoring through the provision of technical assistance by;