01/09/03 - 01/06/04
The EC Water Management Programme, executed under the Ministry of Irrigation, Water Resources and Environment, focuses in the Kunduz River Basin. Its main objective is to enhance food security among rural communities by ensuring sustainable water supply, functioning and appropriate management of destroyed or damaged irrigation systems. It will contribute to the implementation of the river basin management policy recently promoted by the MIWRE. The programme focuses on the following main aspects:
Landell Mills was contracted to identify a short-list of irrigation schemes to be rehabilitated under the Programme in the provinces of Kunduz, Baghlan and Takhar. Information was collected for each scheme on the command area, expected cost of rehabilitation, rehabilitation needs and investment priority. Recommendations have been given on the scope of activities for the programme, with specific reference to the need to respect existing social infrastructures and norms. A GIS/satellite mapping exercise was also undertaken to prepare a set of base maps covering these schemes.
01/09/03 - 01/02/04
Evaluation of the water harvesting schemes component of the EC funded programmes IFSP 1998 and IFSP 2000 in Tigray Regional State
The objective of the assignment was to assess/evaluate the extent to which water harvesting schemes as planned and executed by the Tigray Regional Government are cost effective and are an economic and socially sustainable approach to food insecurity.
The evaluation appraised the technical feasibility of water harvesting schemes and their impact on household food security. Specifically, the evaluation addressed the following:
The assignment was conducted in two phases:
01/09/03 - 30/09/03
In the PRC, only about 60% of the rural people have access to safe drinking water. Landell Mills provided a water and sanitation expert for a short project to prepare a study on the national rural water supply and sanitation strategy policies and a sector development plan to improve drinking water and environmental sanitation services.
01/08/03 - 01/08/05
Export Development Programme
The Export Development Programme (EDP) has helped Serbia achieve a sustainable increase in exports and practical integration into the international trade system. This was done by supporting the development of an effective export support system. EDP had three components:
Export promotion activities covered a wide ranging set of inputs into individual Serbian enterprises, (SMEs), on a cost-sharing basis. Companies were clustered on a product and target market basis to make the delivery of export strengthening inputs more efficient. To enhance the sustainability of exports, emphasis was placed on support in quality improvement and certification, product development, market knowledge, business linkages and the establishment of joint ventures to secure long-term market entry strategies.
Institutional development assisted the growth of SIEPA as an effective trade development organisation, complementing and building on its already established role in investment promotion. The emphasis in this component was on preparing a long term strategic plan for promoting Serbian exports, development of trade policy, advising management, advising on long term financial security for SIEPA, strengthening the other stakeholders in export development, e.g. Chambers of Commerce and establishing both an effective Trade Information Service and IT based services.
The training component was a very broadly based delivery of training courses to SIEPA staff, officials in the relevant economic Ministries, exporters and staff in export support organisations, e.g. banks, regional development agencies, Chambers of Commerce. The delivery of courses followed a training needs analysis. Teaching methods were interactive and experiential. A key element of the component was Training of Trainers and the execution of courses was handed over to a selected Serbian faculty in a local University.
01/06/03 - 01/07/03
Study of a national prevention strategy of coffee and cocoa contamination by Ochratoxin A ( OTA )
LML, with the support of the EC, provided the Government of Cote d'Ivoire with technical assistance in the prevention of crop damage by Ochratoxin A. The consultants have provided analysis and practical recommendations
01/05/03 - 01/11/03
The overall objective of the project is to assist the Government of Cambodia and the European Commission to prepare a coherent and sustainable rural development project aiming at an economic and social relaunch in the Northern Provinces in Cambodia. The study will provide the decision makers in the Royal Government and the European Commission with sufficient information to justify acceptance, modification or rejection of the proposed project.
01/05/03 - 01/07/03
Evaluation of Community Based Resource Management Project(CBRMP) and River Basin and Watershed Management Project(RBWMP)
This project was undertaken through two Preparation Missions to further develop the project concept and its implementation modalities and review and guide GOP’s project preparation team in its preparation activities.
CBRMPfocus was on:
• watershed management practices and choice of suitable agro-forestry and forestry activities by communities, and the planting, maintenance and harvesting activities for sustainable watershed and tree cover practices.
• review of income generating schemes particularly for small livestock as relates to husbandry, markets and management and financing arrangements.
• development of approaches, including, possibly, some specific pilots, for market and processing tie-ups with the private sector for horticultural, forestry and fisheries produce.
RBWMP focus was on:
• irrigated agriculture practices, in particular of rice and potential diversification crops.
• income generating schemes particularly for small livestock as relates to husbandry, markets and management and financing arrangements.
• overviewing market and processing tie-ups with the private sector for rice, maize, coconuts and horticultural produce, assessing market absorptive capacities, and developing a framework market development plan for the Bicol basin.
• Reports related to each mission
01/05/03 - 01/06/03
Mid-term review for NGO projects financed by Food Security budget line in the DRC
The overall objective of the study was to improve the implementation of the EC assisted food security interventions, in order to increase their impact on the food security situation of the target groups.
The specific objectives of the study were:
01/02/03 - 01/04/03
01/01/03 - 01/12/07
Technical Assistance to the Second Export Development Programme (EDP II)
EDP II was a four year project with a budget of 6.5 million Euros and extended the successful formula of the first programme to other Producer Associations and groups of enterprises in the agriculture and manufacturing sub-sectors covering high value crops (herbs, spices, fresh vegetables, flowers and essential oils), animal products, chemical products, engineering products etc.
It is worked to strengthen the competitiveness of producers and producer associations by providing detailed technical assistance and training in the areas of institutional development, as well as promoting awareness of Zambian non-traditional exports in the major export markets.
The project worked with the Government of Zambia and the Export Board of Zambia (EBZ) to improve market access through its trade policy, attempting to strengthen the regulatory framework and its implementation for trade facilitation in such areas as sanitary and phyto-sanitary controls. The project is implemented a comprehensive export promotional programme with the EBZ and has assisted the setting up of a number of strategic partnerships between Zambian and foreign investment companies.
EDP II also manages a grants and loans facility under the Export Financing Facility (EFF) to assist the development of Producer Associations and the promotion of exports.
The overall project purpose is to increase exports and employment in sectors where both men and women are active, in order to contribute to GDP growth and poverty alleviation.
While it was not possible to accurately measure the impact of the trade policy component in the lifetime of the project, the export promotional programme and loan facility helped businesses to increase annual export turnover by 200% and jobs by 3000 (33%). The programme was among eleven projects featured in the EC’s publication entitled 'Making trade work for development: putting theory into practice. Case reports of European Union trade development projects around the world'.