01/06/97 - 01/10/97
A senior member of LML staff led this mission to assess the effectiveness of the second EC program to assist the Cambodian government restructure its primary education system and agriculture. The programme, the European Programme for the Rehabilitation of Cambodia (PERC 94) commenced in 1994. The principle sectors targeted were:
01/06/97 - 01/07/97
Landell Mills Ltd were contracted by the EC to supply the services of a Social Forester/Team Leader to prepare a project proposal for the Sustainable Management of the Phu Khieo Wildlife Sanctuary. The team prepared the project proposal for a 7-year project whose objective will be to contribute to the sustainable management by community participation through three components.
Firstly, the proposal promoted the sustainable management of the wild life sanctuary through the preparation and implementation of an integrated management plan.
Secondly, the project would restore the buffer zone through reforestation and design and implementation of income generating micro-projects, thus reducing pressure on natural resources within the wildlife sanctuary.
Thirdly, the project would involve the development and promotion of environmental awareness programmes for local communities.
The proposal contained details of the project strategy as well as the project components including a detailed schedule for technical assistance, an indicative budget and recommendations for implementation arrangements.
01/05/97 - 01/06/97
LML provided a Labour Force Specialist to lead a team comprising an Informal Sector Specialist and an External Trade Specialist, to provide assistance to the State Statistic Bureau (SSB) in the conduct and development of the Chinese Labour Force Survey (LFS) with the wider objective that information collected using internationally standard concepts, definitions and practices would be utilised in the formulation of future economic and employment policies in China
01/03/97 - 01/07/97
The objectives of the project are to strengthen the capacity for poverty alleviation in Ben Tre province and the two pilot districts of Binh Dai and Cho Lach, and to provide a self help sustainable route out of poverty for approximately 8,200 poor rural households through the support for household and small-scale rural enterprise development and increasing their access to savings and credit facilities. The project would also improve the capacity to plan and implement infrastructure projects which benefit the poor and make use of labour intensive techniques. The SME specialist was responsible for:
01/01/97 - 01/01/04
The project highlighted the activities of promotion and communication in order to improve the competitiveness of the companies. The EME project allowed a reorganisation of the administrative and account system. It took into consideration all the needs of the companies and elaborated a more efficient and flexible strategy in order to make the local companies more competitive on the market.
The assistance provided included:
01/01/97 - 01/01/03
This project faced a Windward Island banana industry that was smallholder based, with fragmented land holdings. Moreover, collection & transport was expensive, & quality had dropped below that of a number of competitors. European countries had traditionally limited imports of more cost-effective producers from Latin America, but this strategy was being threatened by WTO regulations on quotas & tariff barriers. The project aimed to increase the productivity of growers, particularly by irrigation where appropriate, increase volumes & therefore per-unit shipping costs, & raise the profile of Windward Islands bananas by looking at niche marketing strategies. It is also advised on the restructuring of the industry, reducing costs & making it more market oriented. Key elements were:
01/01/97 - 01/01/99
Assistance to the restructured National Seeds Agency in the certification and testing of cotton and other seed material.