01/09/91 - 01/05/92
A team of more than 10 specialists were convened to study the natural resources of the Oropouche watershed study. These included hydrology, hydrological engineering, economics, agriculture, sociology, wildlife experts, soils and agricultural engineering, marketing, agro-industry, institution specialist, draughtsmen, and design engineers. This resulted in a comprehensive report on options for development of the area.
01/01/91 - 01/01/93
Landell Mills Ltd provided the services of our aid coordination expert to the EC Delegation in Belgrade. The expert was responsible for establishing an aid coordination unit to assist in:
01/01/91 - 01/01/92
Opportunity Studies for Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in the Mekong Area
A preliminary study of a relatively wide scope to evaluate the general possibility of establishing agro-industries in the Mekong Basin in 1987. That study suggested that a number of agricultural crops and/or products such as rice, cassava and groundnuts currently being grown in sufficient quantity in the Lower Mekong Basin have potential for further local processing in the form of small-scale agro-industries. Landell Mills task was primarily to build up the earlier study and review the opportunities now existing in the Mekong Basin and secondly to pursue a set of specific project opportunity studies, namely:
The team were responsible for:
01/01/91 - 31/12/91
The study covered:
Landell Mills was invited to provide economic and financial services in the field of commodity-related projects in Bangladesh. Specifically, technical assistance was provided to the EC delegation in Dhaka to strengthen its capacity in monitoring, evaluation and identification of Compex-financed project
01/09/90 - 01/10/91
01/01/90 - 01/01/97
01/01/90 - 01/01/93
Similar programmes (but on a limited scale and without construction of additional buildings but with the provision of budget, equipment, a vehicle and staff) were provided to the Agricultural Research Institute at Tarnab in NWFP, for implementing the post-harvest improvement/demonstration programmes in these two provinces. In order to facilitate successful implementation and transfer of technology, consultant services, local training courses, seminars and overseas fellowships were included; and improvement of the system of establishing and implementing fruit and vegetable quality standards through strengthening of the Department for Agriculture and Livestock Produce Marketing and Grading (DALPMG) in Karachi.
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