18/08/21 - 19/11/21
The key interventions falling under this EU support, and those to be evaluated by this assignment, are:
14/07/21 - 30/09/22
The evaluation scope will include an assessment of how relevant and effective WFP was in responding to the COVID-19 crisis in South Sudan. In doing so, it will also consider how BRs and adaptations of WFP interventions in response to the crisis have affected other interventions planned under the ICSP.
29/06/21 - 28/09/21
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to the improvement of the resilience of the Nigerien population to climate change and its related risks. The specific objective of the intervention is to strengthen the capacity of national actors at various levels to manage rural development in a more integrated, sustainable and resilient manner in the face of climate change and its related risks.
Four results are expected at the end of the project:
14/06/21 - 14/04/22
This evaluation exercise examined the strategic relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and sustainability of WFP interventions under the CSP, as well as their interdependence and coverage. It responded to four overarching evaluation questions developed in the evaluation matrix and four cross-cutting dimensions: gender equality and women's empowerment, protection, accountability to affected populations (AAP), and climate change.
The evaluation team used mixed methods to answer the evaluation questions and tested the a reconstructed Theory of Change using contribution analysis . Information was collected, triangulated, and analysed using different qualitative methods such as documentary review, semi-structured key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and participant observation during field visits. Quantitative methods drew on primary and secondary data.
In-person and remote data collection took place from June to November, with a four-week field visit in October, organised to capture the widest possible range of WFP activities. The team held meetings in the capital N'Djamena with government institutions, UN actors, national and international NGOs, and civil society and private sector organizations. Consultations were also held with field office staff, operating partners and beneficiaries in the following regions and sub-offices:
02/06/21 - 01/02/24
The contract purpose is to support the organisation of events and preparation of communication materials for the following projects:
14/05/21 - 14/05/25
In line with global and African aquaculture, the sector is growing in importance in East Africa, with promising long-term potential for contributing to food security and economic opportunities for value chain actors. The overall objective of the project (EU-EAC TRUE-FISH) of which this contract is a part, is to contribute to the development of competitive, gender equitable and sustainable commercial aquaculture in the Lake Victoria basin.
The purpose of this contract is to improve access to commercial networks for aquaculture-related businesses. This contract aims to stimulate a more competitive regional aquaculture industry in East Africa - focusing particularly on Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda - through supporting the development of stronger business links between regional and with international commercial aquaculture related businesses and strengthening trade and investment support services, thereby fostering improved productivity and use of technology, improved technical and commercial practices as well as facilitating investment and business scale-up.
The following results are to be achieved:
13/05/21 - 30/06/22
06/05/21 - 01/01/22
The elimination of animal diseases as well as the general improvement of animal health in the northern part of Cyprus remain a priority for the Turkish Cypriot administrative bodies. Brucellosis causes a necrotic and inflammatory infection in humans and animals, and is among the world’s most common zoonotic diseases. Brucellosis (in both animals and humans) is a notifiable disease in the Turkish Cypriot community, as animal husbandry is particularly common in that area. In cattle, tuberculosis is caused by persistent infection with the bacterium Mycobacterium Bovis. Enzootic bovine leukosis is a disease of cattle caused by the bovine leukaemia virus.
The control and eradication of Bovine Brucellosis, Ovine and Caprine Brucellosis, Bovine Tuberculosis and Enzootic Bovine Leucosis is an internationally applied condition for public health as well as a crucial requirement for the trade of products of animal origin. It is in that context that the EU (DG REFORM) is requesting further Technical input and analysis in the area of animal health in the northern part of Cyprus (Turkish).
The overall objective of this project is thus to promote the rural and economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community. Specifically, this assignment aims to:
03/05/21 - 05/08/22
01/05/21 - 01/05/22
The Sudan CSP (2019-2022) centres around five Strategic Outcomes focusing on emergency response, nutrition, resilience, service provision and social protection, and has an overall budget USD 2.69 billion (as of February 2021). It also seeks to operationalise the humanitarian-development-peace nexus and takes into account national food and nutrition security objectives.
A Landell Mills team of four international and two national consultants conducted this independent evaluation in partnership with a Sudanese NGO (that provided state-level data collection and analysis). The evaluation assessed:
- the relevance of the CSP to; humanitarian needs in Sudan, national priorities and WFP’s comparative advantages;
- the effectiveness of the CSP in contributing to intended outcomes in emergency response, food security/nutrition, resilience, service provision to the government and humanitarian development community, and social protection;
- the extent to which WFP has used resources in a timely, appropriate, efficient, and effective manner when implementing the CSP; and
- the extent to which WFP performance can be explained by the transition to Country Strategic Planning or by other internal and external factors.