01/10/25 - 01/04/26
03/02/25 - 02/08/25
03/02/25 - 02/02/29
15/01/25 - 14/03/27
The EU-Mongolia cooperation for the period of 2021-2027 focuses on the fight against climate change and on the digital transition with specific attention to forestry and agriculture, which are in line with the Global Gateway Strategy.
Ensuring Europe’s positive offer, particularly through Global Gateway, and the difference it is making and will continue to make to the lives of ordinary people, is known, understood and well-perceived by both specialised and general public audiences in Mongolia is essential to help position the EU as a trusted and reliable partner for the country. The focus will not only be on what the EU does, but why, including emphasising shared values, interests and impact, and promoting the EU’s leadership role on these key priorities.
The main framework that the services aim to support will be on the most relevant partnerships and Global Gateway priorities for Mongolia, which include: sustainable ecosystem and agriculture management for rural development in Mongolia (STREAM+) and The Forest Partnership, International Trade Development in Mongolia (ITDM), Choir Saishand transmission line, Aimag and Soum Centers Green and Resilient Regional Development Investment Program (ASDIP).
Landell Mills will support the Delegation in centralising its
communication efforts in line with the new approach to strategic communication to European Union Delegations by focusing on campaign-driven communication. Additionally, Landell Mills will support building synergies with global, regional and national campaigns implemented by the EU Institutions in headquarters, EU Member States or implementing partners based in Mongolia.
The overall objective (Impact) to which this action contributes is to position the European Union as a trusted and reliable partner of Mongolia.
The expected outputs of this contract are as follows:
Target groups:
01/01/25 - 01/01/28
The RESTORE programme aims to support the sustainable recovery of Ethiopia’s livestock system in conflict- and drought-affected areas by enhancing livestock productivity and improving the marketing of livestock products. Our expert team will be providing TA for the project.
Key activities include the restoration of livestock assets, strengthening veterinary services, improving animal health and food safety standards, promoting sustainable livestock feed and fodder production, and enhancing the leather value chain. Through technical assistance and collaboration with local partners, the programme will focus on building resilient systems, improving service delivery, and supporting regulatory frameworks to ensure long-term recovery and sustainable development within the sector.
30/12/24 - 30/12/26
The agriculture sector, and the livestock sub-sector in particular, remain underdeveloped in Namibia. For instance, the lack of proper infrastructure to control livestock movements poses a constant risk of importing animal diseases from infected areas, as it happened with the Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) outbreak of July 2015. This has caused additional restrictions to the movement and trade of livestock throughout the Northern Communal Areas (NCAs), with additional dampening effects on the whole value chain. The marketing of livestock and livestock products in the NCAs thus continues to be hampered by the presence of Transboundary Animal Diseases (TADs), like FMD, Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP) and others. In turn, the absence of formal marketing opportunities for livestock has further denied opportunities for Commodity Based Trade (CBT).
Consequently, in order to enhance the management of disease control and eradication strategies in the NCAs, livestock movement across the country's borders with Angola needs to be closely monitored. As it is necessary to build infrastructure along the northern border to enable livestock containment, testing and isolation, Namibia’s Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR) has aimed to construct new veterinary offices and animal handling infrastructure by the border to ensure efficient and effective control. Given the absence of a formal slaughter market in the NCAs since mid-2015, the Government started in 2018 the operationalisation of abattoirs through lease agreements with third parties. In addition, the construction of meat processing facilities will further enhance the value chain for the livestock farmers in the NCAs, while the construction of feedlots will complement the objective of quarantining animals while they are being prepared for the markets.
The project is aimed at improving the livestock value chain in Namibia's Northern Communal Areas (NCA). It focuses on enhancing infrastructure, including abattoirs, feedlots, quarantine facilities, and veterinary offices, to address challenges such as transboundary animal diseases (e.g., Foot and Mouth Disease) and lack of formal marketing opportunities for commodity-based trade in the region. The project aligns with Namibia's Vision 2030 and international agreements, aiming to boost economic resilience, promote sustainable agriculture, and improve livelihoods.
29/11/24 - 30/08/25
The UNICEF Viet Nam Country Programme (2022-2026) is a partnership engagement between UNICEF and the Government of Viet Nam defined in a Country Programme Document (CPD). The UNICEF Country Programme is part of the entire United Nations system support to Viet Nam’s development objectives guided by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, defined in UNSDCF (2022-2026), in support of the targets and priorities of the Government’s Socioeconomic Development Strategy (2021–2030), Socioeconomic Development Plan (2021–2025), and National Action Plan for Children 2021–2030.
Under this overarching purpose, the CPE has the following specific objectives:
22/11/24 - 22/11/26
19/11/24 - 19/11/25
04/11/24 - 30/03/29