advisory services

As well as being relied upon by our clients to manage projects on their behalf (see project management), we provide specific technical advisory services (studies, research, etc.), either as part of larger programmes or smaller assignments, for donors, national governments and the private sector. Such work dates back to the 1970s when we conducted agricultural research for clients in Africa. To ensure that the findings, conclusions and recommendations of our advisory services are adopted, we work closely with our communications team to develop knowledge products that are accessible, understandable and easy-to-digest, and provide awareness raising and training to beneficiaries.
Project examples
Mainstreaming Climate Change Risk Management in Development - Consultants for Sustainable Rural Ecology for Green Growth
The Nepal Biochar Project was a 2-year pilot project between the Government of Nepal and the Asian Development Bank, for which Landell Mills was awarded the Development Project of the Year Award 2017 by British Expertise. The project's main focus was to assess the viability for scale-up of the utilisation of biochar, a green growth technology, for addressing declining soil fertility, crop productivity and resulting farm income, while reducing the import of chemical fertilisers.
Landell Mills collected data from government and farmer field trials in over 100 rural communities, testing the most effective ways to produce and utilise biochar. This was the most extensive biochar field trial done worldwide to date. Significant yield increases were observed for all crops tested, ranging from 20% for tomato to 300% for pumpkin.
Following the success of the project the government incorporated biochar technologies into national programmes, which will impact thousands of farmers.
EU study on the feasibility of wind power in Bangladesh and proposed interventions (2020-2025)
As part of the Team Europe Initiative on the Green Energy Transition, a study was undertaken to support the Government of Bangladesh in increasing the percentage of Renewable Energy Sources in the country towards the Nationally Determined Contributions objectives. This involved:
- Assessing the feasibility of wind power in Bangladesh, gathering existing qualitative and quantitative sources and analyses, including wind resources and economic assessments, screening them, and providing solid technical, operational and financial grounds; and,
- Developing six project proposals co-elaborated to the maximum possible extent with relevant Development Partners in line with Government of Bangladesh ambitions and sectoral goals, making use of a policy dialogue strategy in light of the Team Europe Initiative Green Energy Transition, and involving to the maximum possible extent the private sector and civil society organisations.

Support to Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD) Managing Authority and IPARD Agency in Serbia with the implementation of IPARD measures
Through IPARD, the EU provides beneficiaries with financial and technical help to make their agricultural sector and rural areas more sustainable and align them with the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The specific objective of the contract was to strengthen the capacity of Department for Rural Development (IPARD Managing Authority) and Directorate for Agrarian Payments (IPARD Agency) regarding IPARD II assistance. This included the development of a rural development IT solution for the management of IPARD II funds.

Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture and Advisory Services for Sustainable Agriculture and Sustainable Food Systems (ISS-FANSSA)
Landell Mills assisted the European Commission to improve the effectiveness of its global interventions in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (FNS&SA). The services provided under this contract focused on strengthening the capacities of staff within the policy unit, C1 of DG DEVCO, EU Delegations and partner countries. The project delivered:
- Technical advisory services in the thematic areas of food & nutrition security and sustainable agriculture to DEVCO Unit C1 & to EU staff in beneficiary countries.
- Support on monitoring and evaluation including the development of a results framework and scorecard system to measure and monitor EU (global) interventions in food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture.
- Knowledge sharing and communications inputs to reinforce the technical capacities of all stakeholders including EU Staff under three result areas.
- Specific products (studies, guidelines, etc.) and advisory services on specific queries.